Alexandria, Va. – Flight Safety Foundation Jan. 11 announced that it has scheduled 12 workshops in the Pan America and Asia-Pacific regions as part of its ongoing Global Safety Information Project (GSIP), which is a two-year study of safety data collection and processing systems (SDCPS) in the regions.

The workshops will begin in mid-March, with the inaugural session scheduled for Singapore in conjunction with the FSF Singapore Aviation Safety Seminars, and will conclude in mid-July with the final workshop in Mexico City. Other workshops, most of which are expected to be two-day affairs, are planned for Sydney; Santiago, Chile; Tokyo; Hong Kong; São Paulo; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Jakarta, Indonesia; Panama City; Lima, Peru; and New Delhi. The Foundation also is considering scheduling workshops in the Philippines, China, Costa Rica and the Caribbean, according to Mark Millam, FSF vice president, technical, and leader of GSIP. For the most up-to-date listings of workshop dates, locations and to register, please consult the GSIP website. There is no fee to participate in the GSIP workshop.

“We held information-gathering focus groups in many of these same locations last summer, and at the time promised the stakeholders that participated that we would be back in 2016 for more in-depth discussions about SDCPSs, how they are being used and how they can be improved upon to continue to identify and mitigate safety risk,” Millam said. An update on the progress made in the first year of GSIP and insight into some of the findings can be found on the GSIP website.

“In the months since the last GSIP focus group, we have been compiling and analyzing the information we gathered from a range of stakeholders, including airlines and other operators, air navigation service providers, regulators, accident investigative bodies and airports,” Millam said. “The next step is to begin to develop tool kits that may be useful as roadmaps for SDCPSs that are so crucial to safety management systems and state safety programs.”

The intent of the workshops is to look at the most effective ways to gather safety data and conduct risk assessments from both an individual organization and through partnerships with other stakeholders in the aviation industry To prevent future accidents, the industry is transitioning from the knowledge gained from aircraft accidents to the knowledge gained from hazards that are discovered during regular operations.